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COVID-19 guidance for participants and parents

Please make sure to fully read this guidance before attending your classes.

General Information and Considerations

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an ongoing Worldwide pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This virus appears to be highly infectious and at present, we do not have an effective treatment for it. Most people (80%) who are infected have mild symptoms and some do not have any symptoms at all. Because this is a new virus, there is much we do not know about it. Like other viral infections, we know that many individuals who are infected, are infectious for up to 2 days (48hrs) before they have symptoms. This means it is easy to spread this disease before you are aware you have it.



In the UK, the National Health Service (NHS) describe common symptoms of COVID-19 to include:

High temperature over 37.8ËšC, new and persistent cough, loss of taste or sense of smell

In addition, other symptoms can include:

Hoarseness, runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath, sore throat, wheezing, tiredness

Though these are common symptoms of other illnesses, they may be signs an individual has been infected by COVID-19, and it is vital that you do not infect teammates, colleagues, your friends and family or the general public.

General procedures to ensure safety


  • Wash your hands – regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with soap (for minimum of 20 seconds) and an alcohol-based (minimum 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol) hand rub. Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.

  • Maintain social distancing rules - maintain at least 2 metre distance and where not possible, at least 1 metre plus between yourself and others.

  • Avoid touching hands to face, mouth or nose - Hands touch many surfaces and surface to hand transfer can spread the virus. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth.

  • Catch it, bin it, kill it - Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze.

Before entering the gym

  • Ensure that you are not showing positive COVID-19 symptoms. If you are, do not attend class and please follow the government guidelines for self-isolation and testing. Inform us via email immediately so that we can instigate any track and trace protocols if necessary.

  • Please ensure you are attending the correct class and you are booked into the session. We will not be allowing anyone attending classes or sessions that they are not assigned to.

  • Please only bring minimum items with you. Changing facilities etc will not be provided. You may bring a change of shoes into the gym and small personal items such as your phone/water bottle. No food! Water and drinks bottles must have your name written on to avoid accidental cross contamination. There will be no drinks for sale at the gym. Any items left in the gym may be disposed of.

  • Please do not arrive excessively early. You will not be allowed to enter the gym until your session start time. Please plan your travel appropriately.

  • Wherever possible, do not carpool to the gym.

When arriving at the gym

  • When arriving at the gym, please wait in your cars until you are called into your sessions. If you have arrived using public transport, please wait outside the gym, observing social distancing using the markers on the floor.

  • We have allowed 15 minutes from the end of the previous session and the start of the next session so there should not be anyone exiting the building prior to your session. However please make sure you stand well clear of the entrance by observing the floor markers in case anyone needs to leave.

  • At your session start time, a member of staff will open the entrance door and call you in. Please do so slowly and calmly whilst maintaining social distancing by observing floor markers. If you are in a queue, only proceed once the area in front of you is clear and safe to do so.

  • Once entering please immediately make sure of the hand sanitising station in reception. Proceed to sign in where your temperature will be checked.

  • After you have signed in and had your temperature checked, please proceed to the holding area, observing the one way system at all times. 2 metre holding areas with a chair will be designated for you to use. A member of staff will assist you to your holding spot. Remain there until instructed by your coach. These areas will be disinfected after each class.

  • Your personal belongings must not leave your holding area at any point, this includes drinks bottles.

  • When it is time for the class to begin, you will be called one by one to take up your position on the floor for your warm up. The main floor area will be marked for social distancing. Please observe social distancing at all times.

During classes

  • The most important thing to remember when in class is to maintain social distancing AT ALL TIMES. For the most part, areas will be designated for you to maintain distance, but when this is not available you must use your common sense and keep distance.

  • You must listen to and follow the instructions of your coach at all times. Any misbehaviour will be met with a zero tolerance policy and participants may be asked to sit out or leave the gym.

  • If you need to use the toilet, ask permission from your coach first. Observe the one way system and make sure you wash your hands thoroughly afterwards before returning to class.

  • Multiple hand sanitisation stations are spread throughout the gym areas. It is recommended that you sanitise your hands regularly and in particular before and after using equipment. Your coach may prompt you to do this a number of times during a class.

  • COVID-19 spreads through particles in the air. NO excessive shouting/screaming during sessions will be allowed. Persistent shouting or screaming may result in the participant being asked to sit out or leave.

  • If it is your child's first visit to the gym, we are able to accommodate 1 parent or guardian to stay with them during their session. During t=your child's class you must wear a mask and remain in the socially distanced waiting area. 

  • Parents/carers unfortunately will NOT be allowed into the gym and/or viewing areas during regular classes. Please wait in your cars. Due to the nature of the current crisis, we do not recommend that you leave the area during sessions. If you are a parent/guardian and do not have a vehicle or are not able to wait outside the gym because of extenuating circumstances, we may be able to provide you with a socially distanced space to wait for your child. If this is the case, you must email us beforehand so we can prepare. You will also be asked to wear a mask for the duration of your stay and only one person per child will be allowed to stay.

  • Spotting of athletes will not be allowed. Please do not ask your coach to spot you for a skill. Your coach will ensure you are not attempting skills beyond your ability, but you must also be responsible in not going beyond your current skill level when training.

  • If training is being carried out in stations using equipment, participants will be expected to be patient whilst the equipment is cleaned in between rotations if necessary.

  • Face masks for participants are recommended during sessions but they are not mandatory.

Leaving the gym

  • Parents/guardians must wait in the car park for collection. Please stand outside of your car to identify to staff that you are here to safely collect your child and do not enter the facility. Any issues reading training or otherwise must be communicated via email or if an emergency by phone.

  • Once the session has finished, you will be instructed by the coach to calmly exit the training area and one by one collect your belongings from the holding area. Once you are ready to leave follow the one way system and calmly leave the gym whilst maintaining social distancing.

  • Before leaving the gym, be sure to sanitise your hands.

  • Please do not loiter in the car park as there may be another group attending afterwards. Promptly vacate the premises.

If you have any questions about the above guidance or wish to report symptoms, please email us at

This guidance was last updated on 26/7/2020

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